Dragon Ball Super: Broly Director’s Visit To Comic Con Cancelled

Dragon Ball Super Broly

Dragon Ball Super: Broly is easily the most hyped anime related event of this year. After Dragon Ball Super ended earlier this year, the fans were left wanting more. The anime wasn’t the best indeed, but it was nostalgic for many people to see Goku and co. coming back to our screens. The manga of Dragon Ball Super is still going, and it is currently at the Tournament of Power arc. We will discuss that in a bit.

DBS: Broly News

On Tuesday, FUNimation Entertainment announced that the director of Dragon Ball Super: Broly film, Tatsuya Nagamine will not appear at the New York Comic Con panel. It seems that Tatsuya will not appear at all at the convention. However, their other staff members who will be attending the Comic-Con. Akio Iyoku, the head of Shueisha’s Dragon Ball department, and Norihiro Hayashida, who is the producer of the movie are among the guests.
Other people, who will be present at the event will be Masako Nozawa, who is the Japanese voice of Goku. There will also be other members of the English cast who will be present at the panel on October 5. Now going to back to the anime. The anime ended earlier this year, and it seemed to be unfinished story wise.
Dragon Ball Super Broly
So, as soon as it was announced that the show would be wrapped up, the fans immediately began speculating that there will be another installment of the series. They weren’t wrong, to be fair. The movie is rumoured to be linked with the events of Dragon Ball Super. It will be interesting to see how the movie is related.
Coming over to the manga, it has been horrendous. The writing is very inconsistent. Personally speaking, I didn’t think the anime was that great but, the manga is easily ten times worse. Toyotaro and his staff probably have the worst ever writing skills.

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